Stockyards Museum
in the Historic Stockyards, Fort Worth, Texas

North Fort Worth Historical Society


The NFWHS was founded by Charlie and Sue McCafferty and chartered in 1976 to preserve the Stockyards and North Fort Worth. Since then, the Society has researched and recorded the history of this part of Tarrant County. The historical significance of the livestock and meat packing industries and related businesses remains our focus.

Charlie and Sue McCafferty


In 1983, NFWHS achieved the State Archaeological Landmark designation for Cowtown Coliseum which led the city of Fort Worth to restore this important structure in 1986.

The NFWHS was also responsible for obtaining the landmark status designation for the Fort Worth Stockyards entrance sign and the Armour & Swift Plaza.

In 1987 the Society unveiled The Bulldogger, a life-size bronze of Bill Pickett to commemorate his contribution to the sport of rodeo. It is located in the west courtyard of the Cowtown Coliseum and was a gift from NFWHS to the city of Fort Worth.

The Stockyards Museum is one of the most ambitious projects of the NFWHS. Visitors can appreciate the early development of Fort Worth and the Stockyards through exhibits and personal interaction with the volunteer staff, whose work is a labor of love.


Mission Statement

To gain insight into the history of the area of Tarrant County known as “North Fort Worth.”  To rediscover, perpetuate and preserve the sights, sounds and atmosphere of the Fort Worth Stockyards and North Fort Worth, which so closely tied to the early development of Fort Worth.  To educate the public that Fort Worth’s first industry, the cattle industry and related enterprises including the Stockyards and the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show, have had an impact on the development of Fort Worth, Texas as a whole.

To work with other organizations in the study and preservation of Oakwood Cemetery, Pioneer Rest and other historic cemeteries in the area.

To publish and distribute booklets, pamphlets and other literature that will further carry-out the objectives of the Society and to establish and maintain a library and museum.


Corporate Members


Thank you to our Corporate Members and Sponsors!

The NFWHS created the Corporate Memberships and Sponsorships to offer a

higher level of support for those that were interested.

We want to acknowledge and thank our Corporate Members and Sponsors.

Humanities of Texas

Bill and Mitzie Davis                     Lyda Hill                     Hickman Investments

Friends of the Coliseum/Stockyards Preservation

Paul and Melissa Hunter       Ann L. & Carol Green Rhodes Charitable Trust

The Nelda & JJ Jackson Foundation     Linda Fash-Bush/Fash Foundation

D. Ross Meekins, in memory of Waddy R. Ross

Sarah Biles


We are grateful for all of our members, Individual, Family, Patron or Corporate.

If You would like to be a Corporate Member or a Sponsor, please call Teresa at 817-625-5082.

Your support is imperative in perpetuating the Stockyards and North Fort Worth history.




If you are interested in becoming a member of the North Fort Worth Historical Society you may purchase your membership below or call 817-625-5082.


Individual Membership, $25.00     




Couples Membership, $35.00     





 Student, (does not have voting privileges), $12.00    





 Patron membership, $150.00    




 For information and levels of Corporate Memberships please contact Teresa Burleson at 817-625-5082.



 NFWHS is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. We operate solely on donations, museum admissions, gift shop sales and membership dues.

Feel free to use this web page to donate:










NFWHS 2023 Officers



Marty Humphrey



1st Vice-President

Edwin Esparza




2nd Vice-President

Paul Hunter



3rd Vice-President

Jimmy Aycox





Debbie Clarke




Skip Humphrey






Brenda Helmer

Gerlind Capling



John Pugh